Click on the bitcoin! ;)

Coin of the Day


Z's morning musings

Past Musings!

Why don't Bitcoiners worry about catching COVID-19?

Because their favorite pastime is maintaining social distance from fiat currencies!


Why did the Bitcoin investor start wearing masks?

Not because of COVID, but to save himself from friends to whom he recommended Bitcoin back when it was $1.


Why did the Bitcoin trader get vaccinated?

Because he heard rumors about a new strain called "Paper Hands" infecting the market.

J's morning musings

The Weekly Schweik*!

*The views expressed in "The Weekly Schweik" do not express the views of

Musings and such

J musing.

Past Musings!

"Insane alpha on freemaxxing"*

*Marked by Fact Checkers as true!


some thoughts

if don was a restaurant he wouldnt have free refills
if don was a radio station hed have ada 24/7
if don was a sandwich hes be a nothing burger
if don was a dog hed bite